Financial Disclosures

Blockworks is committed to maintaining a standard of transparent and non-biased coverage of the digital asset ecosystem.

As part of our mission to provide investors and financial service firms with the best source of information for cryptoassets, Blockworks conducts investigative reporting to critically assess projects within the ecosystem.

To avoid any potential bias or conflict of interest, it is important for the editorial team at Blockworks to maintain the same standard of transparency that we demand from our industry. That is why our editorial team has implemented a disclosure policy around personal crypto holdings.

On this page, you will find a list of disclosures from Blockworks editorial employees and contractors. Any material holdings, defined as $2,000 or more, of digital assets will be listed next to the employee’s name.

These numbers will be updated on a quarterly basis. Q2 2024 disclosures below, updated April 1:

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Latest Research

On May 4, 2024, Polygon developers met for the Polygon Protocol Governance Call (PPGC) #19 to discuss and finalize inclusions for the upcoming hard fork. The main focus was on PIP 22, PIP 36, PIP 30, and increasing the minimum gas price. With the inclusion list finalized, Polygon will target shipping these changes at the end of May or early June depending on testnet deployment timelines. The next PPGC meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 30 but may shift a week or two to align with the rollout.

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Each bull market cycle contains a sizable amount of hype, speculatory trends, and vaporware. Amidst all of the noise, many operators and investors remain dedicated to shipping value-additive digital asset products that serve fundamental retail and B2B use cases. While projects […]